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Town cuts ties with Central Park Ajax developers

A major development in Ajax at the former Harwood plaza site is now on hold indefinitely.

Mayor Steve Parish says the town’s relationship with LeMine, the developers of Central Park Ajax which was going to include retail space and condo buildings, has ended.

“It became apparent they weren’t going to meet the requirements of the agreement and we thought it was just best, from the town’s perspective, in terms of moving on and getting the plaza site redeveloped, to cancel our relationship with them and move on with somebody else.”

He believes the company had a financing issue.

“I don’t think they got their proper financing in place,” speculated Parish. “I think that, at the end of the day, they were negotiating for financing with several sources and they just did not get the appropriate financing in place.”

Parish says they haven’t given up hope that the project will move forward in the future.

“I’m cautiously optomistic that it will re-emerge and it will happen,” stated Parish. “Everything we’ve seen, in terms of the site plan, in terms its exposure to the market, has shown this area is ripe for redevelopment.”

Parish says anyone who already bought property at the site should contact a lawyer and find out how to get their money back.

Photo courtesy of centralparkajax.com

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41 comments on “Town cuts ties with Central Park Ajax developers
  1. joanne montgomery says:

    What a joke as far as I am concerned the fact that some building owners sold to these so called developers . In turn told the tenants they had to move is disgusting to me . As far as I am concerned this is what killed Dr Condon . He was devastated that after 40 years of paying rent in the same location he was being treated as a second class citizen . He told me finding a new location and moving was very stressful for him . He was very appreciative to Sue , Whom he said did most of the work . Wow this makes me so mad . I am going to go so far as to say the town of Ajax and dr Groff the owner of the building . ( I hope you are enjoying your retirement ) (NOT ) contributed to Dr Condon passing away . I agree with Heather Tighe , this is not the Ajax I knew and grew up in . i have lived here for 64 years ! I Hope Mayor Parish and his cronies are proud of their bike lanes .

  2. Sergio says:

    Hi all,
    My wife and I bought 2 units at the project. I am contacting my lawyers asap. Does anyone else bought these condos? Let’s work together guys! I am sure the deal is off, but at least I want my money back from the trustee asap.

  3. Pat Wright says:

    This council is filled with ‘career’ councillors and a lazy mayor. Visions of ‘downtown’ Ajax are hallucinations. This council needs to be replaced 2018. Each & and every one of them.

  4. Darren Lockhart says:

    So, exactly how has Mayor Parish been elected so many times? Hopefully this will be the final nail in the coffin of his political career.

  5. Anna says:

    This better not have anything to do with our taxes going up. We pay enough taxes as it is in Ajax. I also want my money back asap with INTEREST!

  6. Julia says:

    Me and my husband also bought a unit – I certainly want our deposits back with damages and loss of opportunity to purchase other property!

  7. Juliet says:

    Concur with Julia. My husband and I bought a unit and we are devastated!!! We passed up other opportunities because of this purchase. What a big let down!!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    How can the mayor state that he believes LeMine is not getting the financing that they need to launch the project. With the city pulling the project and having the intention to sell the land to a different developer, there will be more money for the people that are benefitting from the launch of this project. I have invested and I will be loosing. I thought it would be a good idea to invest back into my own community, but now our own mayor who is supposed to look after our best interest is undermining us big time. According to LeMine the city is not giving them the permit to build. No company is going to invest money into a project with the intention of not going through with it. I have missed a many great opportunity by investing here and not elsewhere. No property prices are so high it’s nearly impossible to even buy downtown. SMH… what a disappointment

  9. Christopher says:

    I have filed a FOI freedom of information request with the town and welcome everyone else to do the same.
    If they don’t provide the information I will be filing an appeal. I am also amslttending the next council meeting and welcome others to do the same.

  10. Romeo says:

    I bought one of the Central Park units and call the lawyers holding my deposit in trust and feel like I am getting the run around. Also called the town of Ajax and all they can refer me to is the news letter on their website.
    This is unacceptable I going to need back my deposits with any acrued interest from lost of opportunity and inflation. I am definitely going to that town meeting because I think the city is leaving us to hang for dry. We need to get our deposits and be compensated for opportunity loss.
    The lawyers don’t even have a time frame for when we will be reimbursed. This is unacceptable at any level and we need answers asap.

  11. Andy McFarlane says:

    Does anyone know when the next council meeting is? I agree with Sergio we should all work together.

  12. Romeo says:

    I think it’s about time all gather at lemine and get answers as it relates to our money before its too late.

    Lemine Investment Group
    Real estate developer in Richmond Hill, Ontario
    Address: 1600 16th Ave, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4N6

  13. BC says:

    Good idea to go to Lemine. Up until last week they wouldn’t respond any phone calls and in addition their voicemail box is full. However based on obtained information, our funds are at the lawyer (Harris) and supposed to be secure as it hasn’t been paid to Lemine. Yet the question is if Lemine can’t go ahead with the project, they should immediately advise Harris to transfer back the funds to us.

  14. Andy McFarlane says:

    I’m in favour of going to Lemine, lets go and get some answers any day any time works for me.

  15. Elle says:

    I am in favour of going to lemine as well.

  16. BC says:

    OK in that case, what about next Tuesday Feb. 13th? Suggestion for time?

  17. Elle says:

    I am available feb 14th or 15th. Anytime after 11am.

  18. iftikhar hussain says:

    The people who are available on week days should take the lead to go to lemine to get the answer.

  19. BC says:

    What about Wed. 14th at noon? Those of you guys who are in favor of this time please respond ASAP so we can make it firm, thanks.

  20. BC says:

    If we visit Lemine on different days, please don’t hesitate to share your findings. We all need be on the same page and informed, thank you.

  21. Elle says:

    Ok.Just a warning tho. We might not get answers. A week before the announcement came out that town of ajax had cut ties with lemine, I went there to get answers as I wanted to know why the building was delayed. There was no receptionist and there were people in the building but I was ignored for 10mins before I was addressed. When I was finally addressed they told me to contact their lawyers as they are the ones who have our deposits. Maybe we can start an online petition?

  22. BC says:

    @Elle, fair enough however you might have visited them over a month ago as the announcement was out on January 11. The more updated news is that their lawyer says they are awaiting instructions from the builder. So if Lemine refers us back to the lawyer then they are playing a game which we need to stop at any price.

  23. Romeo says:

    Hello guys I am onboard for anything that is result oriented as I am not going to wait indefinitely for my refund. Online petition does not sound like a bad idea either. Also we can show up the same day at both Lemine and Harris Sheaffer LLP offices. If that doesn’t get our message across then I think its fulltime we get the media involved and let our voice heard, because the city backed this project and now leaving us to hang dry.

  24. Sue says:

    I think its a great idea to get the media involved as both Harris Sheaffer and Lemine are well known companies.

  25. Elle says:

    Ok. What works for everyone? Does everyone have facebook? I can start a facebook group and get more people involved.

  26. BC says:

    February Update is available by searching for Central Park (Ajax Plaza Redevelopment) in Google, can’t post a link here

  27. Bibi says:

    Please let me know what the facebook link is and I will also join.

  28. Jason Molluso says:

    I think it would be useful to get the media involved to help move this along. I read the town’s February update and while this may help, I think more pressure needs to be applied to the developer through the media.

  29. BC says:

    Totally agreed with the media and Facebook approach

  30. Elle says:

    I created a facebook page. Central park ajax-Purchasers

  31. Elle says:

    The facebook group is central park ajax-purchasers

  32. BC says:

    Thanks for creating the Facebook group, encouraging everybody to join

  33. VY says:

    Not Central Park Ajax but I purchased an unit from one of Lemine’s other project – Academy Condo in Scarborough back in 2014, and until now construction has not even begun and they still don’t have any updates on this project other than informing us that it broke ground in 2016, but I heard rumors that it also has financing issues. Anyone bought units for this development?

  34. Andy McFarlane says:

    To VY did you get your deposits back?

  35. AC says:

    My husband and I also purchased a unit in the south building in 2016 and also hoping to get our deposit back.
    I will be joining the Facebook group in order to work with other purchasers in obtaining back our deposit.

  36. Sugan says:

    Just wondering if any of you got your deposit back. I purchased a unit from Academy condos Scarborough and now it looks like they have dropped the plan. If anyone of you have any info about getting the deposit back pls do share it here.

  37. Vids says:

    Has anyone had any progress on this? Or any updates? I just found out the news today

  38. Tom says:

    This might be the reason Mayor Parrish is not running for re-election.

    Mayor Parrish and town council should be investigated by Durham Police for corruption and wrong doing.

    This smells really bad

  39. Jeff Maple says:

    Did anyone check out the developer before they put there money down? Did you do your own due diligence or just expect the town to do it for you? You would have discovered that this developer had no prior experience in this area.

  40. Suthan says:

    Has anyone got deposit back? Please let us know
    I also waiting to get my deposit back.

  41. Clint says:

    Thank goodness i never bought i pulled out last min and walked away, and it was a good decision, i hope everyone who putchased gets there money back!


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